As the sun begins its descent, casting hues of orange and pink across the horizon, "Sunset Lullaby" unfolds a poignant tale at the intersection of humanity and technology. A young man and his AI partner have evolved from mere companionship. In this tender narrative they grapple with the complexities of their past and the uncertain future.

Set against the backdrop of the final sunset they'll witness together, they find themselves on a quiet hill overlooking a landscape bathed in the warm glow of fading daylight. The air is charged with nostalgia and anticipation as they embark on a reflective journey through the moments that shaped their unique connection.

Director  Stanley Dunmore
'Adam'  Felix Edwards
'Noah'  Matteo Piombino
Producer  Maria Shevtsova
Writer  Stanley Dunmore
Director of Photography  Duy Phimasset
Assistant Director  1st - Charles Hills
Assistant Camera        1st - Max Slater
Sound  Simon Petrov
Script Supervisor  Radka Vašendová
Unit Stills/BTS  Anastasia Arsentyeva
Spark/Videography  Jannes Hueffmann
HMUA  Rebecca Thomas-Punter
Kit  Emmyland