In the aftermath of a party, two friends find themselves entangled in the toxic dynamics of their relationship as they drive home down Creek Street.

Tensions escalate, leading to a reckless accident that forces them to confront not only a lifeless body but also the toxic patterns that define their friendship.

As they grapple with accountability, legal consequences, and the shattered remnants of their bond, "Creek Street" becomes a tense exploration of guilt, redemption, and the unravelling of a friendship in the shadows of a fateful night.

Director  Cameron Cope
Producer  Charles Hills
Writers  Cameron Cope
 Diego Alejandro
 Ben Sapir
Directors of
 Max Slater
 Duy Phimasset
 Phoebe Vela Hitchcox
 Amy Gardner
 Marcus Hundsnes
 Zain Haris
 1st - Charles Hills
 2nd - James Price
'Robin'  Sheyi Cole
'Jacob'  Gabriel Scott
'Gorge'  Ben Gooderham
'Ludini'     Ludo Jackson
'Beth'     Yuri Nagata
'Luka'     Benjamin von Linden
'Police Radio'              John Hitchcox
'Dead Body'  Mack Cowling
 Billy Sewell
 Jamie Price
Sparks  Jannes Huffman
 Lucy Lund
Assistant Cameras     1st - Matilde Appleton
 2nd - Jannes Huffman
Art Director  Lachlan MacDonald
Makeup and SfX     Rebecca Thomas-Punter
Art Assistant     Lucy Lund
Sound Recordist     Simon Petrov
Location Managers     James Price
 Rebecca Rockwell
Vehicle Manager     Ludo Jackson
Editor     Aggala Depotidou
Colourist     Max Slater
SfX     Hazel Francesca Magnoni
Credits and Master  Marcus Hundsness