In the heart of a suburban neighbourhood, a unique tale unfolds, telling the story of Carol, a live-in nanny from a distant land who steps into the challenging role of caregiver for young Joe.

As Carol arrives to take on her responsibilities, she soon discovers that the challenges extend beyond the ordinary childcare tasks, delving deep into the complex dynamics of Joe's troubled home.

Director  Stanley Dunmore
'Joe'  Guilherme Perez Marques
'Diane'  Christine Balmer
'Carol'  Adriana Cartada
Producer  Quincy Shenk
Director of Photography  Max Slater
Script Supervisor  Daniel Kennedy
Assistant Directors  1st - Ben Sapir
 2nd - Charles Hills
Assistant Cameras  1st - Sabrina Joseph
 2nd - Meriem Lounis
Production Designer  Tori Amura
Gaffer  Agnieszka Nawoj
Grip  Krish Pinto
Camera Operator  Maya Coutzoukis
Boom Op  Cameron Cope
DIT  Parth Munish Kakkar
Spark  Shreeyas Pandit
Sound Recordist  Jude Diggens
BTS Photographer  Duy Phimasset
Standby Art Director  Diego Gutierrez
Runner  Cihang Menon
Postproduction Leader  Zain Haris